Our Focus is Protecting Colorado Water and Communities
Professionals working for wastewater utilities are focused on ensuring that communities are able to flush toilets, do dishes and laundry, and take showers without needing to be concerned that wastewater coming from homes and businesses will have detrimental impacts to human health or the environment.
Members of the Colorado Wastewater Utility Council (CWWUC) come together every month to share information, work collaboratively with state and federal regulators, and plan efforts to ensure affordable services and sustained water quality.
Streaming Water Podcasts with Blair Corning
Check out interview-style podcasts focusing on Colorado water and wastewater issues. Guests with different areas of expertise give perspectives on relevant water topics. Subjects include water quality, water resources, current events, leadership, legal issues, engineering, technology, and careers. This podcast is jointly sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association and the Colorado Wastewater Utility Council.